Monday, May 10, 2010

Five Simple Ways to De-Stress

With today's busy schedules, everyone is bound to feel overwhelmed and stressed from the pressures of everyday life. Whether the stress comes from the people around us, the things around us, or environmental stress from our settings, there are things we can do to help change our outlook and reduce that stress.
1. Exercise - Everyone has time to exercise! You do not have to go to a fancy gym or buy fancy equipment, all you need is a pair of running/walking shoes to get around the block. Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" hormones, that will change your outlook and decrease your stress level. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week of moderate activity or 20 minutes a day, three days a week of vigorous activity for optimum health.

2. Stretch - Physically, stretching exercises help to relieve stress as they get the blood flowing thus improving circulation. In addition to adding flexibility, stretching also aids in relieving muscle tension. Biologically, stretching exercises also stimulate receptors in the nervous system that decrease the production of stress hormones. No equipment needed and can be done anytime and anywhere. Basic stretches will do but if you want to take it to another step, start practicing yoga!

3. Meditate - Meditation that cultivates mindfulness is particularly effective at reducing negative emotions. Mindfulness is the quality of being fully engaged in the present moment rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Mindfulness meditation switches focuses on what is happening right now. While meditating, focus on taking deep breathes in through the nose and out through the nose; inhaling for 4 counts, exhaling for 8 counts.

4. Physical Activity - Go on an adventure! Hiking is a great way to explore the world while at the same time allowing yourself to realize how small your problems are compared to the world. Try not setting a route and just keep walking - see where it takes you and what surprises may come your way! Fishing is another great activity as it allow quiet time for the mind to reflect on the situation. Now, there is a difference between physical activity and exercise. Exercise requires you to have your heart rate up whereas physical activity only requires movement.

5. Read - Reading fiction takes us to another world away from our present allowing our minds to take a vacation. Reading nonfiction may help us solve our problems by allowing us to learn from the people or events from the past. These stories of triumph might inspire you to seek ways to overcome the challenges in your own life. Inspirational books can send your spirit soaring, enabling you to accomplish things you never dreamed possible.

If all of these methods fail, try my secret method. Watch the sun rise. As the sun rise, realize that it's a brand new day. The choice of how to live that day is yours and no one else's. Life may be unfair but Time is not, as it waits for no one.

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