With today's busy schedules, everyone is bound to feel overwhelmed and stressed from the pressures of everyday life. Whether the stress comes from the people around us, the things around us, or environmental stress from our settings, there are things we can do to help change our outlook and reduce that stress.
2. Stretch - Physically, stretching exercises help to relieve stress as they get the blood flowing thus improving circulation. In addition to adding flexibility, stretching also aids in relieving muscle tension. Biologically, stretching exercises also stimulate receptors in the nervous system that decrease the production of stress hormones. No equipment needed and can be done anytime and anywhere. Basic stretches will do but if you want to take it to another step, start practicing yoga!
3. Meditate - Meditation that cultivates mindfulness is particularly effective at reducing negative emotions. Mindfulness is the quality of being fully engaged in the present moment rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Mindfulness meditation switches focuses on what is happening right now. While meditating, focus on taking deep breathes in through the nose and out through the nose; inhaling for 4 counts, exhaling for 8 counts.

If all of these methods fail, try my secret method. Watch the sun rise. As the sun rise, realize that it's a brand new day. The choice of how to live that day is yours and no one else's. Life may be unfair but Time is not, as it waits for no one.
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